Thank you for you visiting us at our booth

PACK EXPO Las Vegas, Nevada

Wraparound Packer SOMIC 434 W Rockwell

This years PACK EXPO Las Vegas is in the books. We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to all of you for visiting our booth. It was a fantastic opportunity for us to showcase our latest machine generation, the SOMIC 434, and to witness your enthusiasm and interest in our innovations.

With our new SOMIC 434 we are offering users in the food, non-food, cosmetics and pet food industries future-oriented solutions for even greater flexibility in end of line packaging. The concept of the 434 machine generation for wraparound and tray-cover  packaging is based on a linear arrangement of stations from the carton forming module to the closing module. The new, slim layout can be easily integrated into the line concepts of filling and packaging lines.

The machine showcased at PACK EXPO is one of the first machines in the world equipped with Rockwell's new ArmorKinetix Distributed Servo Drives. The decentralized servo technology is particularly suitable for the modular design of the machine. The functional units can be individually adapted to the desired format ranges, giving the packaging machine a customized, future-proof design.

A big thanks to all the participants who made this beautiful fair possible for us. We would also like to thank Ferrara Candy Company for their trust. On our machine we were able to demonstrate live the packaging process of the "nerds". 

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

Schedule an appointment with our team.

SOMIC Packaging, Inc.
8270 Courthouse Blvd
Inver Grove Heights 
MN 55077 

Tel.: +1 651 419 6050
Email: sales(at)
